Real Estate

We offer a variety of software to fit your demands and can help smooth your internal workflow and help you gain tenants’ trust and satisfaction. We understand that sometimes small business do not have finances to get a custom program from scratch but still need to benefit from system customization. That is why we not only make unique apps but also help to modify and update already existing legacy software’ features that can easily accommodate your demands.

Processing the applications

You can easily manage applications and support buyers and rental clients through our custom built apps.

Vendor and tenant management

Tracking, managing and recording payments have never been easier. With CES at your side, you can get customized software to take care of these.

Tenant feedback

We can develop personalized apps with user-friendly features that can be used as communication tools or feedback forums and help you to satisfy your clients, as we believe, happy clients=happy business!

Construction and maintenance management

Our software help you to be in touch with subcontractors and ensure quality and efficient workmanship through effective coordination.